I know we go on about it a lot, but the heat wave is still in action and apparently from today it's going to start getting even hotter right up until the weekend. ?? Here at Personal Choice Carers at Home we try really hard to encourage our lovely Service Users to keep hydrated as much as possible. ?????? Obviously drinking is paramount for our bodies and well being, we all know the benefits of a glass of water. But there are also many other ways to maintain fluid in our diets too... including eating salads, vegetables and fruit. In the winter, soups are also a good option, but for now, salads and fruit seem to be the favour of the season. Please remember for yourself and your loved ones, keeping hydrated is crucial for many reasons: To regulate body temperature Keep joints lubricated Prevent infections Deliver nutrients to cells and keep organs functioning properly Being well hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition and mood. ???????????? Please keep well x x x